Why should you choose to take a Doula to your birth?
Why do you choose to take a Doula to your birth?
And what is it anyway?
Today there are many different styles of Doulas, and each has its own style and strengths. There are more "spiritual Doulas", and there are more "maternal Doulas", and there are more "practical Doulas".
There is no right or wrong, each one is suitable for a different woman.
The conception that Doula is someone who comes to your birth with incense, a robe, a magic wand, and hums sounds - it is an old-fashioned thought.
Maybe in the past, it used to be like this, but today you can actually find a Doula of any style.
The Doula has a wide variety of roles in childbirth, but the one most important is to be there for you!
What does this mean? To support you, to make it easier for you to deal with the contractions, allow you an empathic space, give you and your spouse tools that will make dealing with the contractions better, and explain in simple words what the medical staff is saying.
To give you a sense of security that you are protected, to keep you covered and not exposed, to be with you hand in hand throughout the birth and sometimes even during pregnancy.
Allow you to be in motion even when there is an Epidural in the bed areas, and if the common thought about Doulas is that the birth should only be natural birth without an Epidural, I think it is just the opposite! When you are no longer painful, the doula can make sure you are not static just lying on your back, help you move the pelvis, use positions that can assist childbirth, and much more.
Doulas can use a variety of tools during childbirth, such as shiatsu, reflexology, aromatherapy, homeopathy, spinning babies, and more.
And sometimes also not useing anything and just allow the mother to pace in her own pace that suits her with confidence.
Doulas do not replace anyone, not the medical staff, not the husband, not the nurse, and not the best girlfriend or a mother.
A Doula is a Doula, no more.
A birth supporter, who is with you all through the birth one on-one.
the medical midwife is in several delivery rooms at the same time and is not with you continuously throughout the birth, a Doula is always with you.
At the same time, a professional and good doula will know how to give you the quiet that is so important to promote childbirth.
Choose the Doula you feel the most connected to, who you can trust and feel safe with, and most of all - the one who allows you to be exactly who you are without being judged.
The birth brings with it a variety of the most powerful situations and emotions you have probably experienced in life, crazy happiness, fear, frustration, disappointment, and great excitement.
In conclusion - the Doula is with you to make sure that the birth is as good as possible, body and mind.
Just because you take a Doula does not necessarily mean that you will surely get exactly the birth you dreamed of, but it does mean that you will have the tools to deal with things that can happen during the birth. And no matter what happens - you will be surrounded with confidence and understanding of what is happening to you and the baby and what can be done at any moment to move forward in the best way.
Photo by Gali Peled
The article was written by Tal Berenson, a Doula and birth preparation instructor.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tal_babybirth/
website: https://bborn.co.il/